Useful tools & Links - Oncology


Patient websites and organizations


Register of clinical studies Europe (Eudract registry)

Full overview of clinical studies (US)

AFMPS Belgium (eg. Information on access programs)

Belgian pharmaceutical industry association

INAMI – reimbursement information

Belgian cancer register (eg. Fact sheet per type of cancer)

Globocan – international numbers on cancers

Mutation info

Pubmed (scientific articles database)

Abstracts (short summaries of articles)




Patient websites and organizations:


My Health, My Life - digitaal platform voor mensen die geconfronteerd worden of werden met kanker of een bloedziekte

Visit website


Borstkanker Vlaanderen

Visit website

Vivre Comme Avant

Visit website

Europa Donna Belgium

Visit website

FA-11213888 – 13/06/2024